Senin, 13 September 2010

Video|Foto Obama Lirik Bokong Mayora Tavares di G-8

obama lirik bokong mayora
When the shooting for a peak of session of the G-8 countries, president Obama of the United States seem to look at behind of the delegation called the sexy girls of Mayora Tavares old 16 years of Brazil. Thursday (9/7) local time, the G-8 chiefs had just finished the berfoto, and had then added some of the photographs of A-8 (for a delegation of the youth of G-8 country), which is composed of 54 old teenagers 14.-17 years.

When the delegation was young person forwards, gone Mayora Tavares, old sexy girls 16 years of origin of Brazilian. The aspect of Mayora seems to attract Obama. When the girl by the left wing, Obama is also the sight, particularly on the Mayora buttocks.

Pandanagan Obama presiden|presiden amirika begitu antusias terhadap Mayora

Obama does not realize that French President Nicolas Sarkozy considers a smile and to state perhaps once in the middle, foundation of the young people. Non only is not considered the conscious colleagues, Obama also does not realize that it is enchased whim of a photographer. the video must then be everywhere isolated in the world. Even did the post of Huffington of site give the title what see you?

Even with the news of Yahoo, photographs which initially line up in the ketegori photograph of news more-in the email and advised to see. Naturally the fall in the visual version on YouTube. The photograph of sessions of Thursday or two days meeting signal-35 with G-8 invites the delegation of tinkling. D' Obama source still. The old president 48 years was held almost towards the end of the stage with the other countries. He was interesting because of the attention of the delegation ran towards the stage with the accompaniment of the acclamations of the colleagues on the images of stage.

The G-8 members are the developed countries that the world includes/understands the United States, RU, Italy, Germany, France, Japan, Canada and Russia. The meeting was also followed by five countries in the process of development called G-5, namely Br�sil, China, India, Mexico, and South Africa.