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Full Name: Ratu Felisha Renatya
Nick Name: Ratu Felisha
Nationality: Indonesia
Place / Date of birth: Jakarta, October 16, 1982
Sign: Libra
Father's Name: Ari Tubagus Yasin
Mother's Name: Freya Rekardini
Education: Faculty of Communication, University Dr Moestopo Jakarta
Favorite Colors: Pink, blue and beige
nii gan fose Ratu Felisha di ranjang @film kain kafan perawan . so very sexy . ehmm :)
Ratu Felisha name starts to be known by public while this pretty girl gets naughty pose at men special magazine FHM.Ratu Felisha was born at 16th October 1982 it also gets hot poses with its friend, even all is done just as collection of person doesn't consume common, but Pandemonium is annoyance a friend, hot photographs Ratu is scattered at Internet and so hunting netter.