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Full Name : Tyas Mirasih Endah
Nick Name : Tyas Mirasih
Date Birth : April 8 1987
Mirasih Tyas Endah known also by the name of Tyas Mirasih, model star, presenter and star sinetron. the career is begun moment inaugurated as cover girl finalist 2002, and several times chance to come up as models amount of magazine.
Tyas Mirasih is born at Jakarta, 8 aprils 1987 that, ever come up as song clip video model by time and such as those which formerly Ungu band group property. followed then property song Baim, Seperti Yang Kumau dan Cintai Aku Lagi sing by Sania.
The love life related temporary, Tyas Mirasih ever braid connection with Lembu, Clubeighties band group vocalist. they make love during 4,5 year, but when informed to want to enganged exactly dispersal.
Breed girl Jawa-Belanda this also ever braid connection with sinetron star, Raffi Ahmad. but their connection only survives several months and end in parting.
Later Tyas Mirasih called as a third turned to break up it star connection sinetron star Nia Ramadhani with vocalist Bams Samson. this story is braced with lovestory now they experience.
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